Alores Flynt

Bassist, Photographer, Entertainment Conglomerate Co-owner. Sole owner of a smart mouth.

Past and Present

Good luck finding that out. Not even several bottles of Lorey's favourite bourbon will encourage her to go into details.
Of course, You could try bringing her a bottle of Doman Reserve Original Recipe (and she'll likely encourage you to do so), but don't hold your breath. When it comes to Lorey's upbringing, the phrase "Steel Trap" comes to mind.

Alores is the bassist for punk metal band 'Major Arcana'. One of the band's first and key songwriters, many of the songs the band play were charted by her, and if her ego isn't afraid to show it.
Outside of the band, Alores is the co-owner of 'Chromantic Desires', an entertainment and media conglomerate along with her wife, Amy Flynt.Lorey and Amy got married in December '22, after a year-long relationship and Amy's divorce from her previous partner. They own a multiple homes, including a rather lavish penthouse apartment in the same district as 'Lizzies Bar' - a convenient place to crash after a late night's drinking.When they're not working, they can often be found at home indulging in video games, or hosting 'pyjama' (a polite way of saying 'lingerie') movie nights at Lizzies Bar.


Ever sporting black hair swept over her eyes and distinctive red highlights, Alores isn't difficult to find in a crowd; even when she isn't wielding a bass guitar.Once upon a time she was more identifiable by her favoured red bow in her hair, however that's more of a rarity now and instead wears an equally perpetual smirk on her face, complemented by a nose stud piercing.She is taller than most Midlander Hyur, but shorter than the average highlander.Alores' fashion choices lean towards what you'd expect from many a rocker - lots of leather, lots of black, and if she accents with colours that day it's more than likely to be red. Indicative of danger or passion, in Alores' case it could be either, if not both.


Alores is persistently indifferent to many, and the diagnosis is terminal.Her musical fame and experiences have lead her not to waste time on people who demonstrate an inability to be immeditately interesting. As such, she can often come off as detached at best. At worst, plainly rude.Whilst Alores has a general sense of morality, her short patience and cynicism means permeating her friend circle is quite the challenge.Talking about music, photography or gambling is an excellent way to capture her attention; even more so if you have a rare triple triad card that she can try to relieve you of.


"Frustratingly cool. People aspire to be as cool as that, and she seems like she's not even trying."
- Tahara Kita
"She's a lovable cunt."
- River Debroye
"Alores is no bullshit, no nonsense. Can't say much more, other than she's great to have in your corner."
- Kurai Aika
"Lorey? What can I say about her that others haven't? Many, MANY things, but's that's a story for another time. She's someone who's as bubbly as she is bitchy."
- Batou Hepburn
"Disgustingly cute and romantic, but I can proudly say my wife is a bitch and I wouldn't have it any other way."
- Amy Flynt

Contact details

You can't just look up famous musicians in the tomestone directory, honey.

Alores can be found on-stage every Thursday night at 'Lizzies' from 18:00 ST. If you're really lucky, you might find her kicking around at an independent venue party, or sharing a bourbon with her friends in a quiet dive.Your best chance of getting a word in is contacting her through the Chromantic Desires channels, whether this is enquiring about the band, her availability for photography, or booking 'Lizzies' for an event.